White Parents, Critical Race Theory is Not the Enemy!
Read the book about CRT and get the truth.
Knowledge is power. Google is free. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not the boogeyman hiding in your child’s closet. Racism in America is a HUGE problem. Black people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. We’ve been dealing with racism in this country for nearly 500 years. We are beyond done!
You don’t want your children to be targeted because they’re white? You’re worried about CRT dividing this country? Please! Come in from La La Land! Black children have been targeted for their skin color since 1619! This country is already divided in many ways— rich vs. poor, black vs. white, blue-collar vs. white-collar, men vs women, etc. Open your eyes. The U.S. can’t continue on this path. It’s not sustainable. Fear and ignorance will destroy this country.
That’s why I urge White parents and anyone else, to read the book on CRT written by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic. It gives readers an introduction to CRT. In addition, everyone should read the research from one of the originators of Critical Race Theory, Kimberle Crenshaw. Watch videos on Youtube about CRT. Get the facts!
Voting Rights are under attack. School teachers are losing their jobs over CRT. Patriot Front marched through Philadelphia on the fourth of July. People need to know the truth. Former President Trump still believes and pushes the Big Lie — that the 2020 election was stolen. Children need to understand the history of race in this country. All of these issues are connected.
White parents, recognize what you don’t know. Let go of your fear. Use reason to defeat your ignorance. You are being fed propaganda that will impact you and your children. There are forces in this country that want the country to be divided, stoking fear and hate in their speeches. Don’t listen. Learn for yourself about Critical Race Theory. What you don’t know will hurt you.