White Nationalists are the KKK of the 21st Century
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
On the fourth of July, as the nation celebrated its independence, a large group of White Nationalists paraded through the streets of Philadelphia. They chanted,” The election was stolen.” The group, called the Patriot Front, is a part of an ever-growing problem of conservative, right-wing groups that have sprung up since the 2016 election.
What’s more worrisome is that a majority of Republican voters, at least 75%(per CNN poll) believe that the election was stolen. Despite the fact that after multiple recounts and court decisions to the contrary, Trump clearly lost. Add to the fact that former President Donald Trump has been holding rallies around the country, hinting that he will run again in 2024. The Democrats need to be on high alert. Many of Trump's followers believe that Trump will regain the presidency in August.
We are six months out from the anarchy that occurred on January 6th. The world watched in shock as U.S. citizens attacked a seat of government. When thousands of Trump supporters entered the Capitol Building in Washington D.C., storming the halls and offices, it was a sight to behold. Many of the invaders were videoed on the Senate Floor, rifling through documents and taking pictures of official papers.
While the FBI has done a great job identifying and arresting over 100 insurrectionists, hundreds if not thousands more have yet to be apprehended. That left those individuals with plenty of time to reconnect with each other and plan their next attack. The marching of the White Nationist group in Philadelphia is a sign that another attack may happen soon. These groups must be stopped and their leaders arrested. We cannot risk another attack on Washington or any other government building.
White Nationalists represent the updated version of the KKK. They’re racists 2.0. Using various websites and social media platforms, they recruit the angry and the confused into their ranks. They fill the heads of those with weak minds and even weaker wills with racist propaganda. They hide their true motives behind “Make America Great Again” slogans.
White Nationalists hide in plain sight. They could be doctors, lawyers, business owners, and politicians. They aren’t just people who are down on their luck or struggling to make ends meet. Those are the ones who are tricked by the powerful to do their dirty work and take the fall. The rich and powerful operate behind the scenes, controlling them like puppets.
White Nationalists will never make “America Great Again.” They continue to hold America back from its greatness. This country has never been great. Its strength comes from capitalism. America has too many social problems to be great. True greatness comes from helping the sick and the needy, making sure everyone has health care, and a good-paying job. How can America be great when thousands of people across this country sleep in homeless shelters or worse — out on the streets? How can America be great when racism is allowed to negatively impact the lives of Black and Brown people on a daily basis? How can America be great when too many people care more about gun ownership than gun control? America needs to solve its problems before its destroyed by them.