When I was in BPS, I saw a lot of horrible things done to teachers - I've seen teachers berated by administrators in frront of their students, yellwed at by administrators, attacked by students, have their classrooms trashed when they were out, and items stolen from teachers. Personally, I was sexually assaulltedT WICE by male students and both times admin BLAMED ME. A former principal called me STUPID during a Zoom meeting because too many students had failed the class (because they weren't doing the work despite many opportunities to do so) and evaluators destroyed my career despite my every effort to prevent it. In the end, I was tired, burnt out, stressed, and my self-esteem was low. I was also angry that I was in such a career-ending situation. I had seen it happen to so many teachers before me and then it happened to me. I was a committe teacher, with great work attendance, certifications, and good student -teacher relationships. I was respected by my colleagues (at least most of them) and even after leaving BPS (reluctantly) , I still want to return to work with the students. But OHC rejected a principal's request to hire me - without giving a reason. I'm more than qualified for the posiution and the principal and the team wanted me on board but OHC is blocking my hire. So that's why teachers leave, because of stress, high demands, and little respect. And those of us who want to stay or return get removed or block. We are placed om DO NOT HIRE lists. It's insane!