What are you trying to finish in 2021?
What needs to get done?
2021 is almost done. A couple of days from now we will enter 2022. This is the first time in years that I’m actually not looking forward to a new year.
In years past, especially last six years, I looked forward to the end of one year and the beginning of another. After dealing with health issues, career stress, and the passing of my mother, I would run screaming into the next year, slamming the door behind me.
This time, not so much. I mean I look forward to a reset, but I feel as if I have so much left to do in 2021. So in these last few days, I’m trying to fit in as many things as possible. Here’s my list:
- Write 200 essays on Medium (I’m currently at 195).
- Compose 3,800 poems on allpoetry.com (currently at 3,785).
- Submit at least ten (10) poems and/or essays by December 31st.
- Organize my clothes into bins (that’s ongoing).
- Work on some more art and craft pieces (ongoing).
I feel that numbers 1 — 3 can be accomplished by the 31st. The rest need to be ongoing into the New Year, but progress needs to be made. I have the bins for the clothes and have already filled one bin. I bought a couple more from Target. I’m also organizing my jewelry, getting rid of old and broken pieces. No upcycling stuff. Too much to work on as it is.
There are also things I want to accomplish before returning to work next week. I need to get my outfits ready for the week, my nails done, and send out submissions on January 1st. I will be busy as we end 2021 and begin 2022.
What are your plans as we end this year and begin the next?