Trump Tells his Supporters Not to Vote
The best idea he’s had to date!
Donald Trump sent a letter to his supporters telling them not to vote in the mid-term elections in 2022 or the main election in 2024.
I. for one, am here for it. I can’t be mad at Trump on this idea.
Yes! Followers of Trump do not vote next year in the mid-term elections!
Stay home! Watch television. Go shopping. Or just sleep.
You don’t need to be out at the polls. Stay home. Probably rain or snow on election day anyway. Why bother?
Trump wants the government to admit that November 2020 was fixed and declare him the true winner. If not, he’s telling Republicans to stay home on election day.
Well, if that is how he feels, then maybe the Republican faithful should stay home. Trump believes the election was rigged. Let him and his minions believe that.
Just imagine. millions of Trump voters at home on election day. That leaves the Democrats and independents to have their way at the polls. I’m here for it!
Republicans have become the party of traitors. Trump is their leader. His supporters are racist, anti-vaxxers who want to overthrow the government. They’re nuts and stupid. They believe anything Trump and his cronies say. People have died believing Trump’s rhetoric. He’s a murderer!
So stay home Republican voters! Let those with brains go to vote. This country needs to be controlled by intelligent men and women of all backgrounds who care about diversity, equality, and inclusion. No more dictators wannabes in the White House.
The United States must do better!