Thank you for your piece, Charles. I loved the poem! Everything you said is true. I would add that there are many in administration who don't know (or care) about what teachers deal with in the classrooms. The profanity, verbal abuse, physical abuse, disconnected parents, and administrators who bully. Teachers are leaving the profession in droves. Forget about retiring! They'd rather start over or follow other passions than remain another year in the classroom. However, many of us, like you, do want to remain. I taught for over 20 years in a district, working my way up to a 6 figure salary, and garnering experience in leadership, professional development, and mentoring. A principal decided to derail my evaluation and I was forced to resign. I wanted to fight but was told my words, my evidence wouldn't matter. The district was determined to dismiss me. I'm trying to make my way back in via other roles, but it has been an uphill climb. Teachers are treated like disposable tissues. Once we're used up, we're tossed away. When we struggle, instead of providing help, they lay the groundwork to drive teachers out. America's education system is in shambles. And I believe many people are profiting off the chaos.