Stop Sharing How Much You’re Making!
Share the process!
I’m tired of seeing Medium articles from writers who claim they make $1,000, $5,000, or $10,000 a day. When they go into the details about their financials, it’s often vague and mysterious. Whether it’s through writing, content creating, or side hustling, the braggarts don’t provide sufficient steps for those of us wishing to increase our bank accounts.
Once I’ve read their articles, I left confused and disappointed. I want more information. When I reach out to the writer, I’m often met with some “sign up for my course” drivel that turns me off. I’m not looking for the writer to give away the store — just open the door. Let me in and see for myself.
I understand that some writers are not being truthful. I know there are scammers on every platform, praying on us writers desperate to earn an income from our words. Many of us are just starting out and need guidance. Others have been working writers for years and are in a slump. Some writers aren’t making a dime and need knowledge on how to earn money. The Great Resignation has stirred many of us to leave corporate America and venture out on our own. But some of us need help growing our income once the corporate doors have closed behind us.
While my main source of income is from education, I would love to grow my writing business. I’ve been freelancing since 2005. When I first began, I was fortunate enough to connect with an editor of an education newspaper. After meeting with her, I was assigned my first piece and for about five years, the paper was my main source of freelance income. Then, the paper folded and that well ran dry. I did various writing assignments here and there and added public speaking to my skill set. During the pandemic, I became more visible on social media, posting on Instagram and TikTok.
As I work on growing my social media presence, I would love to get more writing gigs. I signed up with Fiverr, but have yet to get any clients. Fiverr is saturated with all kinds of creatives. My profile is a needle in a writing haystack. I need to stand out and gain more clients.
My goal is to do so well with my writing that I can transition from my education job. The work is draining. My soul has been crushed to a near pulp. I’m stressed and tired every day. I love the craft of teaching, but the practice is becoming too much. I feel underappreciated and overworked. Maybe that will become a book one day.