Smash or Pass?
Black Men Must Do Better towards Black Women
I was on Tik Tok over the weekend and watched a disturbing video. A young Black man and his friends were interviewing some Black women (and one white woman) telling each of them whether he would “smash” (have sex with the woman) or pass (reject her). I had to watch the video several times to confirm what I was seeing.
What I was seeing was a Black man who was no prize himself, using whatever influence and money he had to insult and humiliate a bunch of young women. It was a display that reminded me of a slave auction when the slave owner would display his “property” and discuss their attributes in order to sell the person to the highest bidder.
The women were of various shades, shapes, and sizes. They all looked approximately in the same age range. All of the women stood there as the dude appraised them. Only one woman, a plus-size woman, spoke out when she was rejected because she wouldn’t spend any money. I was sure what the guy meant when he asked her that question (spend his money on frivolous things or to fix her appearance). When she shook her head no, he flatly rejected her which led to her outburst.
The rest of the women stood there in silence as they were appraised. It bothered me when some women who were chosen to be “smashed” smiled as if they had just won a prize. It was disgusting. Would you really lower yourself to satisfy this man’s carnal needs? It’s the lack of self-respect for me.
I don’t care how much money this guy had or how famous he was, no woman deserved this kind of treatment. And no self-respecting woman should accept this kind of treatment. Black women are treated so badly in America and it mainly comes from our own Black men.
Black men, please do better. Our women deserve your protection and your respect. Don’t treat them like a piece of meat! We’re human beings. We have feelings and emotions, egos, and pride. Black men, why do you treat us as if we don’t deserve any decent treatment?
I hope the women look at that video and feel shame. I know the men aren’t going to feel any. It was all a game to them. The young man enjoyed the power he wielded over these women. His immaturity was very evident. I hope his mama sees the video and gives him an earful. If he were kin to me, he would get an earful and a beatdown. You don’t disrespect Black women! Period!