Productivity On My Terms
I go at a pace that works for me
I don’t like to rush my writing. I know that Medium’s stats and analytics require us to write every day. I try to do this but sometimes I’m not excited about writing or I can’t focus on a topic. I get stuck. When I’m stuck, I do other things hoping that it’ll give me a creative spark.
Writing isn’t about quantity, but quality. I’ve read a lot of Medium articles and some have been great while others have been mediocre at best. I’m not trying to insult my fellow writers, but some of the articles seemed a cut and paste job. Where is the care and effort in the writing? That's why I don’t write when I’m stuck. I don’t want to post anything on this platform.
My creative spark can come at any time. When I’m watching the morning news, teaching my students, or listening to music, the spark can hit me. Time to start writing. I quickly grab my notebook or power on my laptop. The spark fades as quickly as it comes, so I have to maintain my focus and get my words down.
Writing isn’t a race. Some writers can write quality pieces every day. Some writers can only write once a week. I try to get in at least three pieces a week. Some weeks are more productive than others. Sometimes I have so much to talk about that I find myself writing essays two or three times a day. That’s when I’m in a writing zone.
When you’re writing, write a piece that you’re passionate about. Write something that matters to you. Provide your readers with some insight. Give a new perspective on an old idea. People love to read new takes on topics.
Whatever you decide to write, show the readers who you are in your work. Your words are an extension of you. What you write will inform the readers about who you are. How do you want to represent yourself in your work? That’s how you will determine what type of writer you want to be.