Nimona hits on So Many Levels
A new animated hero for our times
Imagine being friends with a shapeshifting humanoid girl who loves to play board games and kick butt. Then you’d love Nimona.
Nimona teams up for fun and fights with Ballister Boldheart, a commoner who was about to be knighted by the queen of the kingdom. But instead, his sword shoots a beam, killing the queen.
Boldheart is on the run and that’s when Nimona appears, applying for the job of sidekick. Boldheart reluctantly accepts her assistance and soon learns that Nimona is a being who can change into anyone or anything at will.
While Nimona’s origins are a mystery, we do learn that she was friends with Gloreth, the kingdom’s first ruler and slayer of a mysterious creature 1,000 years ago. Because of Gloreth’s bravery, the kingdom thrives and an institute is created to train future knights.
Boldheart is being hunted by his fellow knight and love interest, Ambrose Goldenloin(what a last name) who doesn’t relish the role of taking down his love. Behind the scenes is the Director, the head of the institute, who caused all the problems in the first place.
Nimona is a great movie. It is full of action, adventure, and romance. There are complicated motives set against the backdrop of a kingdom mixed with the Middle Ages and technology. I enjoyed watching the movie and the dialogue between Nimona and Boldheart. I want to learn more about her and the world outside of the kingdom.
Watch Nimona on Netflix. I give it five out of five stars! Metal!