News flash, darlings. Every high school in BPS with maybe the exception of the Boston Arts Academy is seen as a lower school. It's a hard pill to swallow but that's the way it is. It's wrong, but the system is controlled by people with a lot of power and money. The city had that set up ever since the exam schools were first created.. The exam schools are BPS' stars. They're the places people sue to get their kids into. No one is suing to get into your schools. It's not right but we live in a racist city. Black & Brown minds do not matter. If you have money and can get extra resources for your child, then your child has a higher chance to get into an exam school. The exam schools have the most white students out of any high school in the city - especially BLS. Schools are ranked by test sores, neighborhoods, and reputations. What do people in the community say about your schools? How are your test scores? What kind of neighborhoods are your school located in? All of those things matter, unfortunately. There is one high school that is considered a "dumping ground" for students with low test scores, attendance issues, and behavioral problems. That high school has been around since the early 70s. A lot of people attended the high school. Some went on to successful careers, but many did not. The school is one of the worst performing high schools in the state. It's a level 4 school. It's been struggling with its test scores for over a decade. Most of BPS high schools are in the same situation,. If they're doing ok, they're fighting hard to make sure not to accept too many students with IEPs, ELLs, attendance or behavior issues. It's a well know fact . The entire district needs to be overhauled. Schools need to be restructured. Everyone deserves a great education. BPS needs to stop playing Russian roulette with students' futures.