New Month — New Goals
Focusing on the next 100 essays
Hello readers and fellow writers! It’s September! I can’t believe summer is drawing to a close. On the calendar, meteorological autumn began on September 1st. However, the official start of fall is September 20th. I plan to soak up as much summer as I can before the new season begins.
I was happy to reach my goal of 100 essays by September 1st. As I wrote in an earlier piece, I met the goal with one day to spare. Now, I’m well on my way to my next 100 essays. I’m excited to continue my writing journey. I know if I stay focused I’ll have 200 essays under my belt.
My goal is to have my 200th essay written by October 15th. While I gave myself three months to reach 100 essays, I'm shortening the deadline this time around. I’m doing this to push myself. I want to create an essay collection. So this next batch of essays will showcase my storytelling and writing abilities.
Instead of waiting for inspiration, I’m going to take the advice of some of the writers I follow on Medium and just try to write about a topic every day. I have plenty of resources to help me with my goal. Now, it’s about writing about each topic and continuing to build my essay collection.
I know I can do this. With back-to-school looming in my city, I’ll once again have to balance my teaching career with my writing career. But I’m not as worried about it as I was in the past. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of experiences to write about from my school. Those 100 essays won’t seem as daunting to complete anymore.
Whatever you’re trying to accomplish this month, remember to believe in yourself, believe in your abilities, and stay focused. Pace yourself. If you get stuck, find things to give you inspiration. I often listen to music which helps get my creative juices flowing. There’s also reading, exercising, and watching other creatives do similar work. All of these are ways to meet your goals.
So, ready? Get set! Let’s make things happen in September!