Men Think With Their Dicks and That’s Exactly Why Governor Cuomo is in Trouble
A Democrat used the Republican Playbook.
It’s Tuesday. August 3rd. Governor Andrew Cuomo, the most powerful person in New York State politics, has been accused by eleven women of “unwanted and nonconsensual acts” of sexual harassment. In shocking detail, the state’s Attorney General Letitia James made a statement this morning that in essence said, “we believe the women making the accusations against Governor Cuomo.”
How did we get here? There are many theories. Abuse of power. Toxic masculinity. Political Intimidation. The list goes on and on. But, I have my own theory — Cuomo is a man and men think with their dicks.
Men listen to their dicks before they listen to their brains. When a man like Cuomo wields so much power and is single, of course, his dick will do the thinking for him. He became a wolf in Democratic clothing, stalking women who worked with him. It’s not about being a man, it’s about being a bully.
Governor Cuomo does run (for now) the state of New York. He was a major player during New York’s COVID-19 crisis in April 2020. Cuomo went toe to toe against former President Donald Trump — and won. Cuomo became “America’s Governor.” There was even talk of him running for president. I’m glad that didn’t happen. If Cuomo had won, the Republicans would be having a field day over this scandal.
The Republicans know all about scandals. Their current one is Trump’s ongoing claims that the 2020 election was fixed and that he will soon be reinstalled as President of the United States. Yeah, right.
In addition, the Republicans usually corner the market when it comes to things like bribery, collusion, cheating, tax evasion, and sexual harassment. A simple Google search will show plenty of proof of Republican leaders and their indiscretions. Trump’s four years in office were rife with scandal. There were also scandals during George Bush’s eight years in office. Republicans know how to behave badly. The list is long.
So now it’s the Democrat’s turn and it couldn’t come at a worse time. President Biden is trying to get his infrastructure bill passed, the moratorium on evictions has expired, and people want to know (including me) about what he’s going to do about student loans. Biden has a lot on his plate. The last thing he needs is Democrats behaving badly. But here we are.
Cuomo initially denied the allegations when they first became public. He even stated that his political rivals were trying to sully his name. Then he had an alternate recollection of the events some of his accusers reported to the AG. This is straight out of the Republican playbook. Deny. Deny, Deny. Switch blame then gives alternative facts. Cuomo has studied the Republicans’ way of dealing with scandals well.
However, the evidence is substantial. The Attorney General’s office feels that the eleven women’s testimonies are credible. There are specific details given by women who worked either directly or indirectly with the governor. Cuomo may not be able to talk his way out of this situation.
Only time will tell. Cuomo has his attorney handling his side of the story. He stands by his story that he did not harass any woman in any way. Cuomo welcomes the opportunity for the cases to be brought before a judge. The court of public opinion will make the final decision.