March is National Women’s Month
Celebrate Women!
Happy March 1st! It is National Women’s Month. Let’s celebrate women all during the month of March.
Women, all over the country and the world, have contributed to world history. Whether it was Phllis Wheatley becoming the first Black woman to publish poetry or Madame Marie Curie who discovered Radium. We have Madame C.J. Walker, the first Black woman millionaire, and Oprah Winfrey, the first Black woman billionaire.
We have Vice President Kamala Harris, the first Black and Asian woman to hold that office. We have Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House. We have Venus and Serena Williams, who dominated the world of tennis. We have Simone Biles and Gabby Douglas who dominated the world of gymnastics.
Women run households and corporations. They invent and market goods and services. Women hold political office, are partners in law firms, and travel the world.
No one who lives today could exist without coming from a woman. A man does one thing — provide the sperm. But it's a woman that turns that sperm into life, grows that life, and brings forth a human being. Women keep the human race going.
So, celebrate the artists, designers, technicians, nurses, business owners, creators, dancers, scientists, and teachers. Women operate in the board room and the operating room. Women deserve the highest respect. For it is women, who know how to get things done.