It’s True — You Need to Write Daily on Medium
Your stats will be affected.
Medium, I get the message. I must post content daily. But sometimes, I need a break. Or better yet, my mind needs a break. I am more than just a writer. Even though I’m glad that I finally consider myself to be a writer. I am one of the many trying to eke out a living on this platform.
I’m a mom. I have my family to tend to. It’s August. Back to school time. The stores have been preparing since the end of June. I’m a dog mom. I must feed and care for my pitbull-boxer mix. If he isn’t fed, he takes it out on the plants in my garden. I’ve lost too many corn plants to his hunger. I’m a teacher, so in addition to preparing my family for back to school, I have to prepare myself as well. Believe me, I need the time to do that!
So, I will write but when I can find the space and quiet to do so. Plus, I need to be excited when I write an essay. The topic must engage me. I must have something to say about it. If not, the writing will be a struggle. I don’t like to struggle. I’ve been doing so for most of my life. Writing is the only activity that I can do so with relative ease.
So here I am, Medium. I’m giving you another article. It’s evening. After a long hot day running errands, my house is quiet. Everyone is settled into their rooms enjoying the night. I sit here typing away on my laptop, trying to get my stats up.
Part of me cares about my stats and part of me doesn’t. I have so many other things to worry about. Stats shouldn’t be one of them. I do like it when people view and read my essays. I love it when I get fans of my work. But I know that fans are fickle and their attention to my work will be fleeting. I’m writing to me. My voice has been silent for too long.
I will write when I feel the need to do so, Medium. The fans will come. The fans will go. So will the views and reads. Oh well. I’m focused on developing my craft as a writer. The opportunities to make money will increase as my writing improves. I already have an interview with an editor about my writing. The editor read one of my essays on Medium.