Member-only story
I’ll Take My Chances with a Bear
Men are too violent
Wikipedia )image source)
A question has been trending online for the past couple of weeks. Women are asked if they were in the woods, who would they instead deal with — a bear or a man? Overwhelmingly, women chose the bear, and men are having a fit.
I'm sorry, guys. I’m also with the ladies on this one. I’d have a better chance of surviving a bear encounter than an encounter with a man. Men seemed to have forgotten that when they’re in their feelings, they can be very dangerous — especially to women. How many news reports have we seen where a woman was hurt or killed by a man? There are too many to count in 2024 alone (and it’s only April).
According to the National Organization of Women (NOW), violence against women in the United States has risen exponentially since the 1990s. The following are some statistics from NOW’s website —,assaults%20and%20rapes%20every%20year.&text=Less%20than%2020%20percent%20of,medical%20treatment%20following%20an%20injury.
In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner.1 That’s an average of three women every day. Of all the women murdered in the U.S., about one-third…