I didn't celebrate the 4th of July. I'm not celbrating it ever again. In the past, I thpought it was something that all Amwricans should do. But I was young and ignorant. I didn't know what I know now about the history of our people since this countries founding. Or even before its founding. America was never meant for us. It was never meant for anyone that wasn't white. Even the indigenous folks who were here thousands odf years before the Pilgrims came lost this country to white diseaser, violence and trickery. This country has so much blood on its hands, if it were a person it would be the worst seriel killer in the history of the world. No. America is not for us, but we can make it for us. We need to mobilize, stop fighting each other, and organize into a base that can get things done. Just like King did and Malcolm did and the Black Panthers did.