Happy Birthday, Dr. King!
We celebrate your life and lasting legacy
I wonder how the world would have been if Dr. King has survived the assassin’s bullet. Or the people who killed him once he was in the hospital.
Either way, would we have had so many deaths of Black people at the hands of police?
Would systemic racism exist?
Would there have been a Black president in the 70s, 80s, or 90s?
Would the Obamas have risen to fame decades sooner?
Would Oprah have reached billionaire status sooner?
America has seen so much change since Dr. King’s Civil Rights Movement.
King and all of the people who worked with him to bring equality to this country deserve to see the fruits of their labor. While Black people have made strides in this country, our growth continues to be stymied by White fear and ignorance.
Many school districts currently ban books that discuss race, racism, and slavery. Many states have passed laws that could lead to teachers being fired if they discuss those topics in their classrooms.
Roe v. Wade was overturned. Women have to travel to pro-abortion states for medical care. But they still may face consequences once they return to their home states.
Missouri lawmakers passed a bill requiring women to cover their arms while in the state house. It’s 2023, what the hell is this?!
Would any of this nonsense exist if Dr. King had lived?
We have Karens screaming like banshees in public. Kens shooting at delivery workers and kids. There’s a rise in hate speech online. Thousands of white people tried to overthrow the government on January 6th, 2021.
Would any of this happen if Dr. King has lived?
In the Black community, our people need a leader. We need someone that had the passion of Dr. King, the eloquence of Obama, and the fearlessness of the Black Panther Party. Black people need to rally behind a leader that will be a Moses for our people, leading us in a new direction.
Where is that leader?
Black people deserve better in the United States and around the world. Blackness is strength. Blackness is determination. Blackness is power. We must get out of our own way. Our communities are riddled with violence, gangs, and poverty. We kill each other while our neighborhoods are being gentrified. Black people are being forced out of their homes. It must stop.
Happy Birthday, Dr. King. As you watch over us from on high, please send us a leader to unite your people and fight against racism. Black people need someone who will wake them up and get them fighting back. We need another Civil Rights Movement.