Freedom Means…..

Shirley Jones Luke
2 min readJun 30, 2021


A word that means so much to many.

Freedom means to be yourself. You are your only you. Even if you’re a twin, you’re not exactly like your sibling. You have your own likes and dislikes. You have your own dreams and hopes. You know what you want for your life. No one can duplicate that desire.

Freedom means to go where you want to go. Have wanderlust? Follow your path. Don’t see a path? Make your own. Your heart will pull you towards your destination. See the world or explore your own backyard. Go through your city with a fresh perspective. Visit a new store or a different section of the store. You can walk, you can bike, or you can drive. You decide how to get there.

Freedom means to express yourself. Wear the outfit with the big, bright polka dots. Draw. Paint. Sculpt. Sew. Whatever you want to do to show your creativity. Write that song, story, or poem. Dance down the street. See that play or go to that movie. Do what makes you happy. Express yourself in a way that shows who you are.

Freedom means to share your opinions. Give the world your thoughts. Speak out against injustice. Protest against racism. Help the homeless. Legislate for the poor. Debate the critics. Be a party of one. Support those who share your values. Remember to respect different opinions. Keep an open mind.

Freedom means to be human. We all have flaws, embrace them. Work on the ones you can fix and accept the ones you can’t. Recognize the humanity of others. See people for who they are — the good and the bad. Create a world that is better for everyone. Leave your mark for others to follow.



Shirley Jones Luke

Shirley is a poet and writer. Ms. Luke enjoys reading, fashion and travel. She is working on a manuscript of her poems and an essay collection.