Enough is Enough — Arrest Trump!
The Former President’s actions make Watergate seem like a simple error.
The latest development in the document scandal is that the DOJ announced Tuesday evening that Trump and his lawyers may have tried to hide sensitive, classified documents from federal investigators.
I’m not surprised. Trump has done a lot during and after his presidency. From praising white supremacists in Charlottesville, calling African nations “shit hole” countries, and inciting supporters to riot at the Capitol. Trump used his presidency to cozy up to Putin and become buddy-buddy with a North Korean dictator. The man had no shame.
Now, with this news, I’m wondering when federal agents will return to Mara-de-largo and place Trump in handcuffs. Trump lied about the documents. His lawyers lied about the documents. And an aide to Trump during an interview informed investigators that Trump often took classified documents with him on overseas trips. In addition, the documents were brought into countries not friendly toward the U.S. What the hell?
I believe Trump was trying to sell info to foreign parties. He’s hard up for money and I’m sure those documents would have been worth a pretty penny to the right party. Trump is a traitor and needs to go to prison.
I don’t care if his supporters descend on D.C. again. This time, I’m sure they’ll be met by the military with tanks and assault rifles. Congress and the Pentagon will not play with Trump’s minions. They will be dealt with — severely.
Trump can’t be allowed to walk around like everything is all good. It’s not good. He has broken the law. Who knows who else went through those documents? Trump’s aides know more than they’re telling. The DOJ needs to bring more of Trump’s aides in for questioning. What do they know and who else knows it?
America deserves answers — before it’s too late.