Democrats Get It Together!
Don’t let Trump and the Republicans regain power.
While the Democrats play family feud, the Republicans are laughing all the way to positions of power. We lost Virginia. Virginia voted for Biden over Trump just a year ago. What happened?
What happened was Youngkin, supported by Trump, pumped fear-based rhetoric into his campaign, causing parents (mainly White parents), to vote for him over Mcauliffe. In New Jersey, the incumbent Governor Murphy barely beat out his Republican rival. Democrats, fix yourselves!
The midterm elections are a year away. There is time to redirect the party and appeal to the people. But first, the Democrats need to look within and repair their issues.
Democrats are divided. The old guard, like Pelosi and Schumer, is up against the progressives like Alexandria Ocasio. The Progressives want changes made within the Democratic Party, specifically and American society as a whole.
I agree that change is needed with the Democratic Party. I’m tired of men, specifically old, White men (and a growing number of women), holding all this power and refusing to think outside of the box to help their constituents. People want affordable housing, universal healthcare, good-paying jobs, better infrastructure, and improved education for their children. Citizens are tired of high taxes, gas prices, and food prices. We’re tired of big businesses not taking care of their employees. The Great Resignation has shown that people have had enough with Corporate America.
If Trump and his supporters regain power in key states (ex. Virginia), this would mean a return to the racist rhetoric and a rollback on the policies Biden has already put in place. Trump is a racist. He’s made no attempt to hide his feelings towards Black, Brown, and immigrant people. His supporters will make voting harder in their states, hide the history of injustice in this country from classrooms, and turn against allies from around the world. We can’t have Trump return to power. We must vote during the midterms and presidential elections. But in order for me or anyone else to vote against Trump, I need to see Biden and his team get it together in Washington.
Democrats must pass Biden’s bills and show the people that things are getting done in Washington. The Republicans will not work with Biden. McConnell is an old lion with sharp claws. He is still a force in Congress. Biden must realize that the parties will not work together. He needs to stop traveling overseas for meetings and work on things at home.