Cowards in Blue
Uvalde, Texas Police Officers Need to be Fired
The tragedy at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas could have been averted. Many, if not all of those students and their teachers, could have been rescued from a madman bent on their destruction. But that didn’t happen and 19 students and two teachers paid the price for a teen’s insanity. What’s worse — the police are accessories to their murders.
In the days since the Uvalde massacre, reports from multiple sources show that the Uvalde police officers not only did nothing to prevent the shooting but also saved their own children before attempting to confront the gunman and enter the classroom. In addition, many officers prevented parents from entering the building to get their children. Some of these parents were arrested and even tased as they tussled with officers.
The police chief admitted at a press conference that his department made “the wrong decision” in how they handled the crisis. But as more information is revealed to the public, it becomes apparent that the police did more than make a “wrong decision.” There was blatant negligence in their actions. They refused to confront the gunman in a timely manner (he was in the building for over an hour), afraid of putting their own lives at risk (which is a requirement of the job) and saved their own children (leaving many children to die).
The police officers need to be fired and then arrested.
It’s bad enough that the attack was the third mass shooting within the past two weeks. There was the massacre at the Tops supermarket in Buffalo, NY, and the shooting of churchgoers in Southern California. Now, Uvalde, Texas has been added to the list. When will it end? Where will another mass shooting occur next?
America is sick. It’s been sick for a long time. Guns that helped this country gain its independence from British rule have become a disease that we refuse to be cured of. Guns are the true weapons of mass destruction. They’ve injured and/or ended more lives than any bomb.
I implore the members of Congress to pass stricter gun control laws. States need to regulate guns and prevent them from getting into the wrong hands. Police departments need more money to stop the illegal gun trade. Gangs and domestic terrorist groups (KKK, neo-nazis) need to be deemed terrorist groups and eradicated. Gun manufacturers can’t sell high-powered weapons for civilian use. America must detox from guns — now.
I know it won’t be easy. It will be an uphill battle. The NRA is a powerful force. They have many politicians in their pockets. Republicans owe much of their income to supporting the NRA’s agenda. Politicians can’t see past their greed. But it’s dirty money. The money is covered in blood and death.
I send love and strength to the families and the victims of the recent mass shootings. No one has the right to end someone’s life. Congress needs to fund more money for mental health, especially in schools, Two of the shooters were 18 years of age. We need to help our young people resolve conflicts without turning to a gun. America needs to end its gun dependency.