Clarence Thomas Must Resign
Uncle Tom Judge Needs to Just Go!
I was a kid when Anita Hill testified in front of Congress. Hill recounted her time in the same office as Clarence Thomas. Hill accused Thomas of sexual assault and abusive behavior. No one believed Hill. Clarence Thomas was given a judgeship on the Supreme Court.
Fast forward thirty years later and the public has learned that Thomas has been receiving gifts, vacations, and other amenities from wealthy donors. Most of these donors are Republican. Thomas failed to disclose the expensive presents he has obtained from these donors.
It’s bad enough that Thomas has turned his back on Black people. Thomas married a white woman who was involved in the January 6th insurrection. Thomas has voted against Roe v. Wade and Affirmative Action. He has his sights set on gay marriage next. Thomas is a man who has turned his back on his people and sold his soul to the highest bidder.
There has been outrage about the gifts Thomas acquired from the donors. There has even been a low buzz going around Washington that Thomas should resign his position on the Supreme Court. But if Thomas didn’t resign after his wife’s involvement on January 6th, why would he resign now? There is no accountability on the judges sitting on the highest court in the land. Thomas isn’t the only judge lining his pockets.
It has also been reported that Justice Alito, Justice Roberts, and Justice Sotomayer have also either received pricey gifts from wealthy supporters or used their position to further personal agendas. I guess, since Thomas was doing it for decades, everyone else decided to join in. Maybe we need to check the financial records of all the justices?
Thomas’s failure to disclose his financial connections opens up questions about his integrity. While none of the donors currently have a case pending for the Supreme Court, did they have one in the past? Thomas’ gifts have only recently come to light. He could have made decisions that benefited his benefactors years ago.
I believe it’s time to hold the court to a higher standard. There should be full disclosure of any gifts given to Supreme Court justices. Congress can determine the amount and it must be revealed in the justices’ financial records. These judges are making decisions that affect the country and everyone in it.
Congress must act to ensure that the Supreme Court isn’t being controlled by the highest bidder.