Member-only story
Another Year Around the Sun
I have the Burn Marks to Prove It.
It’s June 4th, 2024—my birthday. I’ve lived to see another year — barely. I don’t mean health-wise. My health has been reasonably good — minus the usual aches and pains. I mean, mentally. There has been a lot of crap that has been hitting my spirit for the past year — especially since the Fall of 2023.
In September of 2023, I had to resign from my teaching position. I didn’t want to, but I was told I’d be fired regardless, so I decided to leave rather than face the embarrassment of being terminated. I was up against a wall, and in hindsight, I should have done better planning to prevent the loss of my job. But I was pressured by the union and their lawyer to quit.
Promises were made to me. I could collect unemployment — that was a nope. I could apply for other positions. I did receive three interviews from nearly 100 job applications. One principal wanted me, and Human Resources told her to find someone else. Like, really?! Who does that?!
I am still waiting to hear back from my most recent interview. My guess is that it’ll be a no. Despite what I was told, the district is hellbent on not having me back on their payroll. My question is, why?
I’ve applied for positions that match my qualifications. I have the skills to do many things in the area of education. I can be in student support, guidance, or teacher mentoring. I have training to be an assistant principal. I have an MBA and two degrees in English and Creative Writing. I…