An Open Letter to My 200 Followers
Welcome to the group!
It’s September and with a new month comes new followers! Exactly 100 more than a month ago! I’m now at 200+ followers since I began taking my Medium writing more seriously back in May of this year. I’m so happy that my writing has garnered such attention.
Thank you to those of you who have joined my page in the past month. Please feel free to share my writing with your friends and family. There are plenty of posts to please any reader. I have fiction, nonfiction, and poetry on my page. I’m always experimenting with different topics to keep my page fresh and engaging.
Also, please feel free to suggest a topic that you would like me to write about. I’m always open to suggestions. I may not know everything about the topic. But I will do my research and write what I know. I like doing research as it expands my knowledge and broadens my writing.
I plan to continue in the areas of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. I may even add a play down the line. I enjoy writing stories and stretching my skills. As for nonfiction, I will stick to current events and personal experiences. As for poetry, I generally incorporate current events and personal experiences in my poems.
So again, thank you for joining my following. Please feel free to reach out and introduce yourself. If you’re also on Medium, please send me your Medium name and I will follow your page. I love meeting other writers and sharing tips. Let’s be Medium mutuals!