Afterwards: Roe v. Wade
A Woman’s Right to Choose — A Poem
Society is so focused on women’s bodies,
moving about in a world that wants to see them
but not hear them, not a sound from our lips,
only the undulating of our hips, no appeal
from our hearts that Society likes to crush
like insects underfoot, no protest from our
raised fists, asking for equality & only receiving
toxic masculinity or a fist, punching the air
towards our precious faces, bashing in our will
to go on, but we still go on, if not our grandmothers
then our mothers, if not our mothers, then our daughters,
if not our daughters — then who? We exist to do more
than exist, we resist because we know our rights
as human beings, as people, as women who gave
birth to this Earth & no man or societal norms
can stop us from surviving & thriving, even as
the world collapses around us and closes in.